

An amazing look into the mind and its relationship with music. If you've always wondered why you love what you listen to, been fascinated by how the brain works, or just want to read some interesting true stories...buy this book!


Colour Lovers of the World Unite

Back in the first grade, one of the coolest things a kid could own was the Crayola 64 pack in the plastic carrying case. It didn’t matter that we were learning math, you had to have your crayons on your desk. However, the combination of the flip lid base and the slanted desktops meant someone knocking over their case on a daily basis, sending a cascade of crayons across the floor. Class would be interrupted while classmates ducked to help collect strays.

Despite being scolded by the teacher, I secretly relished the opportunity to start over and rearrange my crayons. Would I group by color, then gradient? But should I first group the warms and cools separately? I was the selfish kid who didn't like to lend crayons because they would never be returned to the proper slot. How dare someone put periwinkle next to burnt sienna!

While my crayon sorting days are over, I can still group colors to my heart’s delight. Colour Lovers follows trends in media, design and art, and allows users to create and rate palettes and even become “fans” of each other. Everyone on the site is so friendly and positive. How could one not be with so much color to enjoy? I’ve been playing around at work when I need a refresher and it’s quite relaxing! Some of my favorites:

melting sigh



Color theory is next up on classes to take. I can't wait!


Gimme Some Sugar

Maneuvering through the streets of NYC, Treats Truck is Kim Ima and her gas powered truck, Sugar bring delicious goodies to a curb near you. Sandwich cookies with a flaky crunchy outside, soft and creamy on the inside! Rice cereal crispies! Mexican chocolate brownies!!!!! I peer out the office window and wish one of the taco trucks parked out front is Sugar.

Similarly, if you're in the Silver Lake area check out Treat Street.


Poketo art for your poketo change

Slim billfold wallets from Poketo. Art on the go for only $20.

Also track the Poketo's Dreambook Project, a chain sketchbook traveling around the world.


Go Radiohead.

From the studio to public release in 10 days, Radiohead's "In Rainbows" is available now as a direct download exclusively through www.inrainbows.com. You pick the price. Think of it as a donation that goes straight to the cause.


Completely materialistic crush of the moment

Monsieur Louboutin...je voudrais ces chaussures, s'il vous plait ♥


The cost of cheap cashmere

This holiday season you may walk into a large store chain such as Target, Old Navy, or Walmart offering cashmere sweaters and accessories at low prices. Has science discovered a breed of a highly furry goat? This article sheds light on what's driving down the price of cashmere, and the effects of mass production.


The same can be said of any product produced with little regards to its consequences. While the article makes a point about environmentally conscious manufacturing, striving to reduce consumption makes an equally valuable impact.


Happy October (another toy to buy)

In honor of October and the unusually fall-like weather we've been having I did my nails in a gorgeous, deep glossy purple, OPI's Lincoln Park after Dark. The last time my nails were this dark were the Chanel Vamp days of '94. That $18 bottle was my gateway to high end cosmetics.

Proud of my craftsmanship, I wanted to take a picture of it; applying dark nail polish leaves no room for error. Something happened to the camera over the past 3 days because this is how it turned out:

Strangely, the polish is sort of that color. The effect is kind of neat but the camera would not be very practical for everyday use :)