
Handmade 2.0

Rob Walker of the New York Times discusses the DIY culture and anti-corporate consumerism with a deeper look inside etsy.com. Click here to view the NYT article.


madame björk & the future of multi-touch

Dressed in a voluminous gold ruffled dress, Björk floated across the stage at the Nokia Live Theater last night.  Everything was a contrast to her tiny frame; her voice, the brass band, fire and light show, confetti and streamers. With the two large screens on the sides out of commission, in its place were three smaller ones on stage. What displayed almost stole the show for me:

Click here to learn more.  Apple has received considerable buzz for its multi-touch technology, but I love the visual interface of the lemur and reactable. I can only imagine its other possible applications...children's toys, or a way for the deaf to create music.

Being at the new Nokia Live Theater was an experience in itself. The seating arrangement allows for ample unobstructed views of the stage, and despite the number of people in attendance it wasn't a complete bottleneck trying to leave at the end of the night. It'll be interesting to see how the rest of LA Live will develop! As we returned to our cars I realized some things may never change. A row of bacon-wrapped hot dog carts lined 11th street, tempting as always.